Dog Safety and Owner Responsibility in the Campground
As families inquire about camping we often get this question: CAN WE BRING OUR DOG?
We are very dog friendly, there are, however, requirements and limitations. Please read below-
- Seasonal, Monthly, Tent and RV campers may bring dogs however, we do NOT allow dogs in or at 7 of our 8 Rental units. We do this to accommodate those with allergies. ONE of our rentals is pet-friendly. That site is Z5.
- Dog owners may walk their dogs throughout the resort, NOT in the sandy areas of the picnic, beach, and swimming area.
- Dogs may not be left unattended at campsites.
- Dogs must be controlled, on a leash, AND must be off leash while in our dog park. The park is strictly for FLB campers only.
- Owners must pick up dog waste. Free, disposable bags are located at doggy stations throughout the resort.
- Loud or constant barking will not be tolerated. The Fish Lake Beach experience is a balance of recreation and relaxation. Quiet Hours are enforced.
- Unleashed dogs run or roam, approach other dogs and people, and potentially cause harm or fear in both.
Dog owners who do not keep their dog on a leash, under their control, and attended will be given one warning. If a second warning is needed, the dog owner must forfeit their reservation without a refund and vacate the premises. These rules are published in the registration and check-in agreement and apply to all campers that can have dogs: seasonal, monthly, overnight, and the rental on site Z5.
Remember, the campground is new surroundings for your dog. Illinois law, specifically the Illinois Animal Control Act, holds dog owners strictly liable for injuries caused by their dogs if certain conditions are met.
Thank You.
Fish Lake Beach
Call (847) 546-4777 Email