
Fish Lake Gives Back Weekend August 21-23

Fish Lake Gives Back Weekend Things to look forward to: Canned Food Drive for Fox Lake Food Pantry Phils Friends Donation Needs $3 Corn Roast ( all proceeds to American Cancer Society) $10 Remembrance/Celebratory Luminaries Music on the beach Glow items for sale (all proceeds to American Cancer society) *Any items donated for the can … Continued

Fish Lake Re-Opens 8/11/20 after Temporary Closure

On 8/10/20 The Lake County Health Department re-tested Fish Lakes’ water following the closure imposed on 8/7/20 due to an algal blum (HAB). The results of the retest showed that Fish Lake is clear of the algal blum therefore we are happy to report that the lake is now open! I repeat (because it makes … Continued


8/7/20  2:45pm Starting Immediately: Lake swimming, fishing and boating are temporarily closed due to the presence of a harmful algal bloom (HAB). Please do not go into the water. Harmful Algal Bloom  

Comcast Services Update for Seasonal Campers

Although quite alot of change and restrictions are part of life right now, Comcast and Xfinity services have expanded to meet the increased needs for online services and digital communication.  Here is an update from our Comcast representative, Dale Betts. Cell: 847-366-3646 3 Options for Installs: “Home Drop-off Program” w/ indoor tech assist is on a case … Continued

Overnight Camping Update 7/25/20

Camping in Illinois has always been a reliable, economical getaway for many people to do every spring, summer and fall.  For over 80 years, our loyal campers have been able to relax at Fish Lake Beach while soaking up wholesome activites like fishing, swimming, cooking out and campfires. We look forward to watching the season … Continued

Open for Camping-Not Open to the Public

As of 6/17/20 FISH LAKE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR SWIMMING, PICNICS, OR FISHING DUE TO COVID19 We are open for seasonal and overnight camping. For more information call 847 546 2228 Fish Lake Beach 

Seasonal Campers: Help Prevent Pump Problems

We are experiencing a problem and need your help. The past few seasons we’ve taken measures to help educate our seasonal campers on the perils of flushing wipes down their toilet. It does indeed create a smelly problem for campers and everyone in the park. The problem is completely preventable. Please click on the email … Continued

Comcast Services UPDATE 7/1/20

Off this Friday July 3rd We are off this Friday July 3rd, for the holiday. If you have an issue,  try to get the item to me by 2:00pm o’clock Thursday July 2nd.  Please have a safe holiday! Wash your hands, social distance, kick back and relax! Installs: (*This is still in effect*) Most Comcast Installation … Continued

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Call to reserve now(847) 546-2228

Fish Lake Beach Camping Resort

32223 N. US Highway 12
Volo, IL 60073
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(847) 546-2228

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