Seasonal Campers: Reminder 3/7/2022
- Payment in full is due by April 15th
- If you have questions about your outstanding balance, contact Fish Lake Beach using
- Mail personal checks or money orders to Fish Lake Beach 32223 N. US Hwy 12 Volo Illinois 60073. Payable to Fish Lake Beach. Please include your site number or we wont be able to apply the payment.
- To make a credit card payment by phone call 847-546-2228 Monday-Friday; 9am-3pm. A 3% surcharge applies to credit card payments.
- We are closed on the weekends. No admittance to the campground will be granted for any reason.
- To make an appointment to pay cash in person call 847-546-2228 Monday through Friday; 9am-3pm.
Thank You.
Call (847) 546-4777 Email