Fish Lake Beach Hosts Fall Conference
Illinois Campground Association Fall Conference 2016
We’re grateful to all that attended the Illinois Campers Association Fall Conference at Fish Lake Beach on October 11th and 12th, 2016.
This was the first time Fish Lake Beach hosted the conference, which serves as a networking and educational opportunity for Illinois campground owners that are members of the Illinois Campground Association. As campground owners we seek educational and networking opportunities with many goals in mind: the foremost being, to improve the camping experience for our customers, business operations and long term, to contribute to the longevity of the camping industry as a mainstay of the recreational choice for consumers.
We were blessed to have some of the brightest and experienced professionals from the industry to share ideas and tips to help us meet those goals. Speakers included Kristen O’Hara from Cruise-Inn who shared the benefits of online booking and trends in consumer interest for ‘indoor camping” options and lodging experiences, Nate Herman and Justin Herman, owners and lake consultants who provided a ‘hands-on’ evaluation of Fish Lake using ‘electro fishing’ technology to analyze the habitat, fish population and water quality and provided strategies for conservation to improve long term health and stability of all. Finally, Susan Tiesi of Fish Lake Beach shared tips for effectively communicating online with consumers and customers. Thank you to all that attended and offered their expertise to make this conference a worthwhile experience.
As you can see this was serious business, but serious fun. To our delight, many healthy and beautiful Fish Lake bass were caught and released as part of the lake evaluation process.
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