Easy to find!
Fish Lake Beach Camping Resort is located on Route 12 in Lake County, Illinois, 1/2 mile north of Highway 120.
- Our address is 32223 N. US Hwy 12 Volo, Illinois 60073
- The entrance on Route 12 will lead you to the gatehouse shown. Fish Lake Beach gate attendants welcome and admit campers and their approved guests.
- Packaged, kiln-dried firewood is sold at the gatehouse. Cash or credit cards accepted.
Conveniences & Fun Are Nearby
If you’re unfamiliar with our location in Volo, Illinois you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the variety of services, activities, and fun near Fish Lake Beach.
- See our Nearby page for MORE attractions, things to do, and places to go near Fish Lake Beach!
- CampersApp helps our campers find services, fun, and restaurants near Fish Lake Beach. Download CampersApp from iTunes BEFORE you arrive!
- Get groceries delivered to Fish Lake Beach from Woodmans or take the 4-minute drive to their massive location at the southwest corner of Route 120. Aldi’s is north of Fish Lake Beach on route 12.
- Fox Lake Metra Train Station and major highways that lead to Chicago and Wisconsin are minutes away.
- A day at Six Flags Great America or a Lake Geneva boat tour is a 30-minute drive away. Click here to Book reservations online!
Fish Lake Beach is also near these popular attractions and recreation-